Logged in as: Christina Pallotta, Lyndhurst
Designer Profile

The Sweet Tea Girls Patterns

The Sweet Tea Girls are Southern in roots with sweet tea as a favorite beverage.  Her designs have been featured in numerous magazines as well as major quilting catalogue businesses such as Keepsake and Annie’s.  Many of her designs are being used by the fabric manufacturers in their current fabric collections.

Leigh Headington started The Sweet Tea Girls after finding she needed an outlet for her energy and creativity when she retired as an engineer from IBM. With a background in mathematics, mechanical engineering, and project management, Leigh is meticulous about her instructions and accuracy of information. She prefers symmetrical, balanced designs but loves designing a variety of bright, eclectic styles.  Her design tool of choice is EQ8 as it offers maximum opportunity to design and re-design based on fabrics and needs.

The company is named in honor of Leigh's grandmother, Sally McDonald, the true queen of 'Sweet Tea' who taught Leigh and her sisters to sew using those wonderful scraps from the attic. "She gave us the love of fabric and creation along with the desire to make sure everyone in our family slept beneath a ton of quilts"!

Between designing patterns and teaching classes, The Sweet Tea Girls stay very busy.

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Patterns by this Designer
PTN3414 - Peaceful Harmony

PTN3400 - Center Stage

PTN3368 - Harmony

PTNP081 - Curtain Call

PTN3362 - Rhiannon

PTN3321 - Looking At You!

PTNB0440 - Overlay

Open Spaces - PTN3223

Riding the Waves - PTN3251

Ocean Cruise - PTN3253

Winter's Presents - PTN3257

Postage Stamp - PTN3261

Family Album - PTN3243

Diamond-Square The Hangout for Panels - PTN3206

Shadows - PTNB0406

Head'n Out Tote Bag - PTN0426

Ohio Contra Dance - PTN3179

Dressed For The Occasion - PTN3189

Sunset - PTNB0378

I've Been Framed - PTN5070

Center Stage - PTN3100

The Long Crawl - PTNB0339

Holiday Snowflakes - PTN5052

Pick Up Stix - PTNP5047

The Long Crawl - PTNB0284

Crypto Block Chain - PTNB0279